Enough of the drama..

"I'll be waiting til the day comes."

that's what we both said that made me hold on eventhough we've both moved on.
the thought that you are the ideal man made me believe that one day i'll be back in your arms again.
your sweet words made every miserable moment seems bearable.

Your insensitivity put a stop to it all.
which is good coz heaven knows you've hurt me enough.

i don't know why it took me this long to have the courage to take a leap in turning my back on you.

i guess they are right.. That no matter how great the love is, when neglected, it can and will naturally die.

you had a big part in my life and i know it will never be easy.. Blocking you may be the only way to start the healing process.. I hope i succeed and i know how small our world is, so i hope that if we ever meet again, i have forgotten you by then.. for i really don't want anything to do with you ever again.


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